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London Centre of Indian Champissage

London Centre of Indian Champissage - Pioneers of Indian Head Massage, Natural Facelift Massage, Kansa Wand Facelift Massage, Kansa Vatki Foot Massage, Ayur Senes Abdominal Massage.

So you have chosen the best in the industry to be at your service.

Thank you for choosing us!

Important Notice Refund and Cancellation Policy: Any appointments to change or to cancel we need 24 hrs notice. Otherwise 50% will be charged. Please refer to our website for more details.

  • Reflexology Fusion

    • Sattvika Healing with Reflexology Fusion (Talk Therapy 45 min and Bodywork 15 min)

      1 hour @ £85.00

    • Reflexology Fusion

      1 hour @ £75.00

      This type of Reflexology techniques stimulate intricate neural pathways to help and support the optimal functioning of the body. The expert will use the advanced techniques and specific acupressure points to the feet and may include han ...

    • Reflexology Fusion

      45 minutes @ £60.00

      This type of Reflexology techniques stimulate intricate neural pathways to help and support the optimal functioning of the body. The expert will use the advanced techniques and specific acupressure points to the feet and may include han ...

    • Reflexology Fusion

      30 minutes @ £45.00

      This type of Reflexology techniques stimulate intricate neural pathways to help and support the optimal functioning of the body. The expert will use the advanced techniques and specific acupressure points to the feet and may include han ...